How to compare prices for LEI?

LEI is a 20-digit number that is used to identify parties in financial transactions all over the world. Following the Global Financial Crisis, it was identified as a vital measure to improve the quality and accuracy of financial data systems in order to improve risk management. Because multiple entities may have the same or similar names, this code allows each entity to be identified on a worldwide database of entities searchable by number rather than name. The LEI is an ISO standard that is currently required by law for many businesses operating in the global financial system.

This article is a resource for learning about Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) suppliers. Because there are so many LEI number providers on the market, it might be tough to find the best one for your purposes if you have no idea what you’re looking for.

It highlights the most significant aspects of the current Legal Entity Identifier suppliers, such as the LEI price comparison.

With that said, the price of the LEI code includes:

  1. Unlimited help with the LEI number application until GLEIF approves or rejects it
  2. Unlimited phone and email support
  3. If the legal entity changes, the LEI information will be updated for free.

Let’s look at how to compare prices for LEI

Understand the pricing discrepancies

The price of an LEI is frequently unrelated to a better customer service experience or overall service quality. The LEI code is a useful tool for legal entities that engage in financial transactions and are required to report to financial regulators. As a result of the pricing discrepancies between the Legal Entity Identifier, higher-priced LEI numbers function just as well as lesser-priced LEI numbers.

Price display

If you’re comparing prices with another service provider, be sure they include the total cost. It is usual practice to first display the price without the GLEIF fee. By offering an objective comparison, LEI code costs and fees become transparent, as well as making applying for an LEI code simple.


For registration and renewal of LEI codes,

several of the main LEI service providers in the UK charge substantially more than is necessary. Customers are frequently required to pay the GLEIF fee in addition to the service provider’s price. At LEI Certificate, this is not the case. All additional expenses are included in the price of LEI registration or renewal.

Find reasonable price

The LEI code has a universal price, contrary to popular belief. That isn’t the case at all. The cost of an LEI registration is determined by each service provider. The GLEIF fee of $11 is the only cost that is universal. The remaining amount is simply the service provider’s fee for administering the LEI code. Knowing this, you’ll notice that many companies in the market charge a high fee for their services. You should research the prices for each service provider before locking in on one. Find one that is cost-effective and offers their services at a reasonable price.